Body Image & Disordered Eating

Table of Contents

What is Body Image?

Body image is most commonly known as how you experience your body. It’s more than just aesthetics though - it’s about how you value it, what movement feels like, how you navigate it as it changes and what taking care of it feels like. - Sunrise Nutrition


Disordered Eating

How do I know if I/someone I know has an eating disorder?

Warning Signs 

Types of Disordered Eating 

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are not the only eating disorders. Compulsive overeating and binge eating disorder (BED), combined with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED) are actually more prevalent than anorexia or bulimia.

Still unsure? You can take a quiz here.

(Source: The Emily Program)

Eating Disorder Support


Nalgona Positivity Pride (community circles, webinars etc.) 


National Eating Disorder Alliance (Search tool)

Contemplating Recovery Free Support Group (Virtual)

Virtual Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Community Circle (18+)

Sage & Spoon Support Groups for BIPOC struggling with Disordered Eating & Body Image (18+)

Liberating Jasper Support Groups (18+)

Sunrise Nutrition Support Groups (Virtual & In-person, 18+)

Renfrew BIPOC Support Group for Eating Disorders (Virtual)

National Alliance for Eating Disorders (Virtual, 18+)


Attune Nutrition

We are a team of Health at Every Size® dietitians who provide judgment-free nutrition therapy for people like you. 

We want you to have a positive and trusting relationship with food and your body.  Together we can help you take steps to get there.

Sunrise Nutrition

Here at Sunrise Nutrition, we believe food and body work requires a whole-person, nonjudgemental approach that celebrates the diversity of each individual. Who we are - our identities and experiences inform us of our current relationship with food and body image. That's why we take into account your mental health, lifestyle and experience with trauma and oppressive systems as part of our work. We approach care from a social justice, anti-oppression lens and believe all humans deserve healthcare that starts with compassion, dignity and respect. 


(National, WA locations) 

The Emily Program care teams bring decades of experience managing the unique medical and psychiatric complications of eating disorders. We provide a multidisciplinary, integrative approach for people of all ages and genders who struggle with food issues, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, compulsive eating, Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders (OSFED), Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorders (ARFID), and related mental health and body image issues.

Offerings include: therapy, nutrition education, group therapy, recovery skills, yoga, arts-based programming at different levels of care - Residential Treatment, Day Treatment, Outpatient Treatment, Virtual Treatment

(Tacoma, WA)

We provide a compassionate healing community for those searching to heal their relationship with food and body. Our offerings include outpatient services, support groups, class series, and retreats for the spectrum of disordered eating and body distress. We seek to inspire, liberate, uplift, and hold space for the voices of those that have been silenced for too long. Some providers who support adolescents.

More programs can be found on this map

Funds & Scholarships for Treatment

For parents/caregivers


F.E.A.S.T.’s Mission is to support caregivers by providing information and mutual support, promoting evidence-based treatment, and advocating for research and education to reduce the suffering associated with eating disorders.

National Alliance for Eating Disorders (Virtual, 18+)

Free, weekly, therapist-led eating disorder support groups , these communities not only aid in decreasing isolation, but provide individuals with a sense of belonging. They offer an environment of acceptance that serves as a refuge for those who may feel misunderstood and also creates a community where participants feel seen, heard, supported, and valued.

Sunrise Nutrition

Couples & Family Therapy for clients 16+