Acreditació Erasmus Escola Barrufet

Inclusió- Metodologies-Internacionalització 

Tecnologies de l'Aprenentatge i el Coneixement

   Cofinanciat per la Unió Europea

2. What is Erasmus+ KA120 (Erasmus accreditation) 

3. Erasmus KA120 Escola Barrufet 2021-1-ES01-KA120-SCH-000045665

4. What is a KA121?

5. Erasmus KA121 Escola Barrufet 

     -(KA121 2022-2024) 2022-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000066843 

     -(KA121 2024-2025)

    - (...)

Erasmus+ KA120- Eramus accreditation 


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. 

It offers opportunities for exchanges of international mobility for for students and teachers staff, between institutions and also training, acquisition of experience and volunteering for people and organizations in Europe.

Contributes to the strategy "Europe 2020" for the growth of employement, social justice and inclusion, and  supports the objectives of the strategic framework for European cooperation in the field of education and training (ET 2020).

Erasmus+ program for the period 2021-2027 is substantially strengthened, extended and more inclusive, more digital and more environmentally sustainable. 

It's butget, 28.000 milion of Euros almost doubles its previous budget , tripling the number of beneficiaries and promoting, among others, activities which foster knowledge and awareness of the EU, opportunities in forward-looking knowledge fields e.g. climate change, robotics, renewable energies, etc.

The Erasmus+ programme is managed by the European Commission (the EU's executive body), the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), a series of National Agencies in Programme countries, and a series of National Offices in some Partner countries. 

The Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE),  acts as the National Agency for the management, dissemination and promotion of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union in the field of Education and Training (2014-2020 ), in addition to other initiatives and European educational programs . 

Catalonia's "Departament d'Educació"coordinates with SEPIE to support the Erasmus+ projects. ("programes internacionals" website).

The European Commission is ultimately responsible for the development of the Erasmus+ program  and entrusts budgetary implementation tasks to national agencies. 


Erasmus accreditation is a new way to access the mobility activities of the new programme.

It's a tool created by the Erasmus programme to facilitate its 2021-2027 stage aims, to be even more inclusive,accessible and sustainable. The main objectives include support for the digital transition in European education and support for the creation of the Space European Education Centre.

An accreditation recognizes organizations that can contribute to the creation of this European area, that pursue this objective of improving quality and demonstrate the quality of the mobilities they carry out with an "Erasmus Plan". 

This certification enables organizations to access mobility opportunities for learning under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ program. Key Action 1 supports organizations to offer opportunities professional and personal development to students, teachers, trainers and other educational personnel. Accredited schools commit to follow "Erasmus quality standards", a set of rules of Erasmus quality which ensure a quality experience and learning outcomes for all participants.

Applicants who are granted Erasmus accreditation will get simplified access to Key Action 1 funding opportunities in the form of accredited mobility projects (KA121). The organizations which are awarded with an accreditation have shown that have an Erasmus long-term plan and they are going to contribute to Erasmus objectives with the received programme funding. The accreditation guarantee a sustained funding (until 2027). Obtaining this accreditation will provide funds to the institution that every one or two years will request funds for mobilities, destinations and objectives. Final annual or biannual reports must be drawn up on these funds.

3. ERASMUS+ KA120 ESCOLA BARRUFET 2021-1-ES01-KA120-SCH-000045665

In the 2021-2022 academic year we have obtained the Erasmus KA120 accreditation (2021-2027) 2021-1-ES01-KA120-SCH-000045665 that will allow us to benefit from Erasmus funding to be able to carry out our International Mobility Plan for a period of seven years. The activities that we will carry out during the accreditation will be collected in an eTwinning group "Synergies" and in a google sites (school website).

Our accreditation will be articulated throughout the period (which will end in the 2027-2028 academic year -inclusive-) through KA121 applications, which are specific projects for accredited institutions where the school makes the forecast of the mobilities that it will carry out during a period of 18 months (expandable to 24) and will obtain its financing. During the 2022-2023 academic year, the first KA121 of the Smurf is being carried out (extended until May 2024). This Erasmus KA121 will respond to the first phase of our Erasmus Plan that includes training (structured course) and observation visits ("jobshadowing"), expansion of the international network of contacts (hosting international visits) and training at the center by international experts. In February 2024 we will apply for our second KA121 that will allow us to start the second phase of our Erasmus Plan.



A "KA121" Erasmus project is an accredited project, that is, short-term projects that can be applied for by organizations that have demonstrated, "accredited", that they will respect the quality standards and requirements defined by the European Commission, and therefore can receive funding to carry out their long-term Erasmus Plan applying for different KA121 projects until 2027. 

The school can choose to apply for a KA121 each course, usually in February. This request is very simple, it is about reflecting in the form the forecast of mobility activities that will be developed in the chosen execution period (to be carried out in the following 15 months), thus obtaining the financing to carry them out. The KA121 necessary to comply with the Erasmus Plan and carry out the mobilities and activities needed to achieve the objectives set by the school in its KA120 accreditation will be requested. 


"SYNERGIES 1" (Erasmus KA121 2022-2024)



KA121 (2022-2024) 


Title: "Synergies 1"

INICI: 1/6/2022

FINAL: 31/8/2023

(ampliat fins 31/5/2024)

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Accreditation type (KA121)

Start: 01-06-2022 - End: 31-05-2024 

Main goals:






This KA121 called Synergies 1" has the main goal to advance in the school internationalization, reinforcing the bonds obtained thanks eTwinning, old projects and the reception at Barrufet school (as hosting school) of other teachers from other European schools. Thanks these contacts we have participated in different activities: job shadowing (9 school education staff mobilities -5 days each-) and a structured course (1 school education staff mobility - 6 days-). We also hosted two invited experts who taught students and teachers workshops during 3 days.

All the mobilities in our KA121 have been selected with the intention of providing quality training to the participating teachers that could be easily shared with the rest of the faculty, facilitating the integration of good practices into the school curriculum. These learnings will help the reflect on our own practices and also introduce new ideas and activities in our curriculum (concerning ICT's (Artificial intelligences applied to teaching and other ideas), inclusion, STEAM and other methodologies. We also aim to expand our network of contacts and set the basis to prepare the next KA121 project in which students will travel for the first time.

In this website visit the sections "KA121 2023-2024" (with the Activities done every KA121) and "Dissemination".