Students from 13 years of age from different schools participate in a SEPPO where they go to different companies in the municipality. In each company they have a task planned that will be evaluated by the company itself (a challenge/problem that the pupils will have to solve). 

The best team wins a prize: the town council gives them a job for the summer. This project helps them to see the real day-to-day problems of companies and works on entrepreneurship issues.

Program adapted for elementary and high school levels, with planned sections. Students have to create their own company,  think about making advertisements, the product...

Then they formalize the company. They have to put 10 euros and if they need more funds they will have to sell shares at 10 euros in their nearest environment. At the end of the course, theoretically they should have at least 10 euros and if they don't get it, they will have to declare bankruptcy.

It is a business with real money (ex. snow removal from the garden, babysitting...).

The program ends in April and there is a championship of entrepreneurial companies at European level.


This is an application that you can download to your mobile phone or computer to work on emotions.

Teach strengths: Developing strengths through positive goals is inspiring. Monitoring progress at the group and individual level motivates and elevates practice to a whole new level.

Give strengths feedback: Recognise the use of students’ strengths and the practice of new skills. Provide helpful feedback that explains the use of each strength and its impact at an individual or group level. Document moments of success with photographs and written observations.

Strengths portfolio: Practice the use of strengths and save your key moments of success at the group and individual level. Learn from feedback from others and discover your own core strengths.


Work on 2 strengths and 2 emotional tools each month.

Theater-based pedagogy (DBP) uses active and dramatic approaches to engage students in academic, emotional and aesthetic learning through the creation of dialogic meaning in all areas of the curriculum.

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