The clues

Some clues

As you have read before each power plant card has one or two clues. But you can increase your knowledge by looking at these videos, presentation or other sites. Some videos must be watched as part of the missions.

Other tips to remember are:

  1. The relation between thermal power plants and acid rain.
  2. Fukushima disaster.
  3. Mediterranean sea hasn't got bit tides.
  4. What will happen if big cities had lots of solar panels on their roofs?
  5. Geothermal has to be near under earth hot.
  6. Hydroelectricity can be placed mixing big slopes and water.
  7. Catalonia is a country with not so much fossil fuels.
  8. Using biomass can be helpful to reduce forestry fires.
  9. Nuclear power plants needs a huge sheet of water.
  10. Uranium comes from far away countries.