The maps

Looking at the maps!

You need to understand these maps in order to know which is the best location to place every power plant. Open them with the right mouse button to make a zoom. For every map you have a little clue, but sure that you can get more information from the map. You also have more clues written in your power plant cards.

There are maps of counties or comarques, relief, mountains & rivers, vegetation, protected spaces, land uses, population, wind force, solar irradiation, NO2 pollution and PM10 pollution.

The maps came from ICGC, Visir3 or Hipermapa.

More help in pages like Miquel Ortega or Sergi Saladié

Central Map Game

Useful to play and place the power plants.

Relief & Counties

More attitude can have more wind or biomass.

Catalonia mountains

There are also lakes and rivers. Some power plants must be near.


You can know where to extract biomass.

Protected spaces

Try not to pollute so much the places with more protection.

Land uses

Flat "comarques" can have more place for solar uses. Take care with fog!


More populated counties can have more problems in big accidents.

Wind force

More wind are suitables places for wind farms.

Solar irradiation

Best places to locate solar power plants.

NO2 Pollution

Thermal power plants may increase them.

PM10 Pollution

Try not to increase counties with more pollution.