The rules

The team & game diary

You and your team have been selected by the game master to drive the country into a better production system with more renewable energies but producing enough electricity.

You'll place the different power plants all over the country on a map like the one on the left. All the placements, production or pollution must be listed in your energies diary document.

Points, classification

Your team will get points when the missions got completed. More points will be given if all of you've worked hard. The points will be changed into energy power plants.

There will be a table listing the class group and the points for each session.

The power plants you'll have to buy and settle are biomass, thermal, geothermal, nuclear, photovoltaic, solar thermal, wave, hydroelectric and wind farms. There are clues to know where to place them.

Each card has numbers like the points (price), the pollution, the production and some tips. On the left, the nuclear with 3 pollution number (fire icon) & 1000 MW production.

There are 41 of them with different number of each one. Only one power plant can be placed in one county.

Some power plant cards have associated surprise cards. Non renewable are risky and may have accidents. Renewable ones can help you to achieve the goals. Of course, if your team work well and the cards are in the suitable places you will get better cards.

Badges & Levels

As you have read before, there are different levels. Every time you get one level mixing the addition of more production and less pollution your team will get a new badge.

There are 5 of them: rookie, beginner, intermediate, advanced and master.