Co-curricular Activities


Uncommon Sense, the annual magazine of Department of Psychology, is proud to present this year’s edition centered around the theme, Psychology of Change.

Here is a message from the team! 

The Department of Psychology, along with Team Uncommon Sense are super thrilled to announce that... the much awaited return of our annual magazine has officially ended. We are immensely delighted to present to you 

✨✨ Uncommon Sense 2023-24: The Psychology of Change ✨✨ 

Our magazine is the work of 5 months of hardwork, endurance and bundles of effort shared by the Department Faculty and Team of Editors. We thank the management, the department, students across all three years, and our budding authors for their support in the creation of this magazine!

As you flip through the pages of the magazine, we hope that our theme resonates with you, and the psychological spirit lives and breathes through all our lives ✨

Signing Off,

Team Uncommon Sense

PDF Version

Social Involvement Programme

At St. Xavier's, Social Involvement Program is taken very seriously. Every Department takes effort to contribute to the Program. As part of the Psychology Department Social Involvement Program, the students are assigned with the task of assisting an exchange student/outstation student to adjust to the college and the city. This mentoring and befriending program was initiated since 2015-16 and has been appreciated by students who have participated in it. 34 FY students participated in the initiative in 2018-19.

Seminars/Guest Lectures

The annual Khandala seminars have been on the landscape of psychology department activities since the 1980s, with a range of themes such as Attitudes, Child Psychology, Personality, Positive Psychology, Controversies in Psychology, Relationships and Sexuality, Learning & Memory, Application of Psychology to Everyday Phenomena, to name a few. The students present a research review and analysis on topics of their choice that fit in with the overall theme. 

In addition to that, the Psychology Department organises a special series of lectures on courses and career paths after graduation with Psychology, called ‘The Next Step’. It was started from 2015-16. This endeavour was undertaken to help students make a more informed choice for further education or work. 

Guest lectures too, are organised as per the theme, availability of the guests and other factors. The various guest lectures over the years have ranged from Counselling Special/Specific Populations, Emotional Intelligence, Advanced Inferential Statistics, Behavioural Economics and the like.

Honours Programme

As a part of the Honours Program, the Psychology Department organizes workshops that offer credits to Honours students every year. These workshops are a blend of academic input and experiential learning, usually conducted by alumnus who have gained experience in their respective areas of work. The themes are varied and such that they manage to capture the interest of an interdisciplinary audience of students. The popular themes across the years have been Forensic Psychology, Sports Psychology, Dance Movement Therapy, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Positive Psychology, Psychology of Stories. In addition to this, new themes for workshops are added every year to keep up with the current trends and requirements like the Phone's Hold on you, LGBTQIA, Narrative Therapy, Persuasion, Culture and Advertisement, Transactional Analysis, etc.