
The diploma/certificate courses conducted are a great way for holistic development of the minds of students. Conducted by top industry professionals, veteran academicians, they help the students expand their understanding of the world as well as enhance their learning experience.

Here is a glimpse of the past courses conducted over the years.

Upcoming courses for the academic year 2020-21 are being planned and will be posted before they commence.


The Mass Media department in collaboration with PUKAR, an independant research collective and urban knowledge producing institution based in Mumbai conducted multi-discplinary community particpation research project in the academic year 2016-17.

Resource person: Dr Anita Patil Deshmukh

Number of students enrolled: 21

The course was to understand research as a tool for building perspective knowledge and advocacy among the students. It included group dynamism, team building activities and primary research at the grass root levels. It was a year-long certificate program for a group of students.

Resource person: Dr Anita Patil-Deshmukh brings a wide variety of talents and expertise to PUKAR. A trained Neonatologist by profession, Anita received her Masters in Public Health from Harvard University and worked as a faculty Neonatologist at a teaching institution in Chicago for 20 years. During her tenure, she was the Director of the Ambulatory Pediatric Residency program and Director of Continuous Medical Education for the Department of Pediatrics. Dr Anita Patil-Deshmukh relocated to India in 2005 to contribute to the developmental sector and joined PUKAR as executive Director.

Sports Business Management Certificate Course

The department of Mass Media in collaboration with Sports Pyramid, a Sports Management Company conducted a short certificate course that would allow students to explore new avenues and opportunity in sports branding and marketing. The course was kept open for outsiders and inhouse student’s as well.

Resource person: Mr Alex Twichen

No. of students: 18

The course was designed with an objective of helping students acquire a fundamental knowledge and understanding of the sports business. It also aimed at giving a brief understanding of how to manage sports events and volunteers and discuss the importance of branding, marketing and communications within sports business.

Resource person: Mr Alex Twitchen being a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chichester and an FA licensed coach. Mr Twitchen’s modules draw on examples from the Indian Sports Scenario. Topics like the Commonwealth Games, the Indian Grand Prix case study, as well as the prospective merging of the I-League and the ISL were taken up for discussion in the context of the modules.