Academic Projects

The Hiring Project

February 2017

One of the challenges the undergraduate media students face is of campus recruitment. The media agencies prefer post graduate students and very few are interested in campus selection process.

As part of their Copywriting and Design portfolio assignments the final year students of mass media course were given an assignment to pitch their resumes to the companies for hiring them as prospective employees. The young graduates came up with brilliant ideas to convince their prospective employers about their potential skill and talent and designed their pitch accordingly.

A sneak-peek of what happened at one of the top notch advertising agencies.

The SGNP Communication Activity

April 2016

The first year BMM students of St. Xavier’s College were exposed to a critical concern of man-animal conflict reportage in the mainstream media with a special focus on the issue of leopard attacks. Mr. Nikit Surve, a wildlife researcher associated with the Sanjay Gandhi National Park and an alumnus gave the students insight to understanding the wildlife and the reasons for why the animal attack happens. This paved the way for a two day exhibition and street play in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali on the 9th and 10th April 2016. A program was designed to campaign in the form of posters and a street play in the National Park itself. The street play, ‘Jungle Ki Jung’ was a product of the collective efforts of the students under the guidance of Mr. Nikit Surve.

The street play crew
Digital posters for the street play, 'Jungle Ki Jung'

Contemporary Issues Immersion Programme

1 - 2 September 2018

Venue: Boscowadi

Participants: 38

The Contemporary Issues Immersion Programme was a two-day seminar arranged for the TYBMM students to give an understanding of current issues in the socio-political context.

Speakers: Ms Shweta Naik, (Visiting Faculty in Psychology, Practicing Counsellor) and Prof. Sudhakar Raj Solomon, (HoD, Political Science, Wilson College, Mumbai) conducted various sessions for the TYBMM students

Day 1

Resource Person: Ms Shweta Naik

Session I: Understanding the Conflict Within

The session was about group dynamism and resolving inner conflicts and conflicts with one’s peers. The participants were split in groups and assigned team building activities. Followed by reflections of how the activities were carried out they were then taken through the exercise of Johari Window.

Day 1 and 2

Resource Person: Prof. Sudhakar Raj Solomon, HoD, Political Science, Wilson College, Mumbai

Session II: Map Reading & Discussion on Geo-Political Situations Around the World

The session started with the distribution of the world map with each country having its year of independence written alongside. It helped in getting an overview of the world and the influence of colonization on various countries. Prof. Sudhakar explained how the image of what we know of the world today is skewed or not the complete truth. The session continued on the second day to understand the secessionist movements in North-east India and geo-political conflict in Indian context. The session was well received by the students as it anchored a context to their understanding of current political, contemporary issues.

Students in a session with Ms. Shweta Naik.
Professor Sudhakar answering the questions after map reading session.

Leadership Skills through Self-Management

15 - 18 December 2018

Venue: Boscowadi, Uttan

Participants: 46

A two day residential workshop was conducted in Boscowadi, Uttan on 15 December 2018 by the Coverdale group on “Leadership Skills through Self Management”. The three trainers - Mr. Jóerg Zimmermanns, Ms. Anita Gaur and Ms. Sushmita Miryam - conducted various group activities for the participants which cultivated critical thinking skills, tried toexplore their ability to self reflect and take up critical roles for self development.

Mr. Jóerg Zimmermann (left) conducting a session with his group of participants
BMM students in one-to-one feedback session with their mentor Sushmita Miryam at Leadership Skills Seminar

Survival of Print media post pandemic COVID 19

13 May 2020

An Interactive session with Mr. Sashi Kumar Menon, founder & Director, ACJ Chennai, India, conducted by the Mass Media department, SXC Mumbai

The department of Mass Media organized a ninety minute long session with Mr. Sashi Kumar Menon, Founder & Director ACJ, Chennai, India for SYBMM and TYBMM students.

The interactive session began with the Principal, Dr. Shinde 's address after which Mr. Sashi Kumar spoke on some important issues like- survival of the print media post COVID 19 pandemic, when stoppage of print newspaper delivery has forced readers to move to the digital platform, Clickbait in media, and role of Indian media in representing the unheard voices in the current times. He also spoke about sensational news which has a lot of viewership and how to combat it in emergency situations like the current one.

Bringing in the aspect of revenue collection in news media, he explained how the digital platform has managed to attract revenues and emphasised the fact that as consumers we are experiencing Multimedia viewership-wherein all the audio, audio visual, digital have culminated together on one screen. He encouraged the students to become ambilingual in the New age Journalism as regional media will emerge stronger and it would be an additional skill if the students are well versed with any other language than English.

In all the session was an enriching experience for students who came up with interesting questions and interacted with the speaker. The session was attended by 50 students and three faculty members.

Mr. Sashi Kumar Menon addressing the students of Mass Media department
Students of the Mass Media department along with Mr. Sashi Kumar (extreme top right)
Students of the Mass Media department along with Mr. Sashi Kumar (extreme top left)