Salaam Bombay Foundation

Education beyond Books - January 2020

A two day exhibition was held in collaboration with the Foundation, where kids from across Municipal schools, Mumbai displayed their talents and capabilities through a range of media-centric projects from photography and film to radio and television.

The first year students from the department worked closely with the school children, mentored and monitored their work. They helped them in conducting interviews, framing questionnaires, creating content for the radio and above all motivated the young talent. In all, it was a learning experience for undergraduate students to communicate and engage with children from different sections of society.

About Salaam Bombay Foundation

Salaam Bombay Foundation is an NGO that works for the education and development of vulnerable children between the age group of seven and eleven. It is committed to inculcate leadership at a young age through in-school programmes and aims at skill development through collaborative projects with other institutions.

Stall being set up for SBF Exhibition in the college hall

Visitor at the photography stall in conversation with SBF participant

Newsroom Live by SBF students in the college hall, SXC

Radio team with RJ Fali Singara, (AIR FM GOLD) in a mentoring session

‘Thank you for visiting us’- Feedback stall at the exhibition
