Ms. Milbach

About Ms. Milbach:

Ms. Milbach has been at Xavier for as long as Mrs. Jones.

Before coming to Xavier High School, she worked as a theatre technician, stage manager, director, teacher, AODA coordinator for schools, study hall supervisor, Runaway/Youth Services Director for a domestic violence agency, and percussionist. Some times all of these things simultaneously.

Ms. Milbach has an MA in Theatre/Arts Administration from The University of Akron. Her BA is in Communication in the Arts: Aesthetic Awareness from UW- Green Bay and has an Associate of Arts degree at UW-Fox Valley which is where she spent her time working in the radio station, television studio, library, theatre and planetarium (Yes, I love science!). Theatre has been a through-line for Ms. Milbach as she started playing drums at 9 years old and theatre production and pit orchestra at 14. Hanging lights and programming them was something she did for fun during graduate school in order to stay focused (see what I did there?).

When not at school, Ms. Milbach likes to spend time with her family and friends, kayak, read, camp, and train her dog.

Learning Management System

Google Classroom!!!!

Students can find assignments and class information in Google Classroom.

At the beginnin of the term we are in, find your class on this list, go to Classroom and plug in the code.

Google Classroom Codes:


Bl. 1 ------------

Bl. 2 Freshman Seminar: zr3bw2v

Bl. 3 Freshman Seminar: tgwmegz

Bl. 4 Technical Theatre Production: ucko5jo


Bl. 1 Media Productions

Bl. 2 --------------

Bl. 3 Cultural Diversity

Bl. 4 Intro to Business


Bl. 1 Speech

Bl. 2 ---------------

Bl. 3 Intro to Business

Bl. 4 Intro to Business


Bl. 1 Musical Theatre

Bl. 2 Intro to Media and Communication

Bl. 3 ---------------------------

Bl. 4 Survey of Fine Arts