Credit: "The Music Parents Guide" by Anthony Mazzocchi 

Dear Parents:

It is with great excitement that I welcome your family to our instrumental music program!

Learning to play a musical instrument and acquiring the unique habits of mind that come with it is one of the most incredible opportunities that our school can offer your child.  The instrument that will be placed in your childs’ hands has the power to transform their lives in ways that no other endeavor can.  In addition to musical accomplishments, this year your child will learn to :

You play a vital role in the musical education of your child, and you can be successful at this even if you don’t believe yourself to be musical!  Supporting your child at home is easy and fun — if you can teach them to wash dishes, you can help them develop a healthy practice routine at home, and I will assist you along the way.  In the meantime, there are only a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure that your child enjoys music as part of their life for years to come:

At the beginning of every school year I am not only passionate about growing a new generation of musician, music lover, and future patron of the arts — I am determined to arm our children with the tools to become great thinkers, citizens, and lifelong lovers of learning.  I will take care of the musical instruction on my end, but the actions of parents assisting their children’s practice at home, accompanied with a long-term commitment to their children staying in our school music program, will ensure that they receive the best education our schools have to offer.

Please join me in what I know will be a transformative experience for your child this year.

Bill Nelson

Xavier Elementary Band Instructor

McDonald Street Campus (920) 739-7826

Marquette Street Campus (920) 733-4918



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