Our Legacy

30 plus years, 30 plus Cars

With over 30 years of rich history and heritage, WWU Racing has a long history of building race cars. It all began with the Vehicle Research Institute (VRI)—a lab space on campus dedicated to the research, design, and development of various vehicles. VRI was established in 1972 with the goal of providing students with hands-on engineering experience in designing and building full-size prototype vehicles with a special focus on environmental sustainability. 

WWU Racing was born out of the VRI, and to this day, the numbers in our vehicles are not just from the cars from WWU Racing, but from all cars built by VRI and WWU Racing as a way of remembering and honoring our origins.

The program was founded and headed by Dr. Micheal Seal, who retired in 2004. Dr. Seal unfortunately passed away on October 29, 2021, but his legacy continues. An obituary can be found here.

Although our team is currently racing in the Formula SAE Electric (FSAE-E) series, most of our history lies in the traditional Formula SAE (FSAE) series. We have also raced in the Baja SAE series along with the SAE Supermileage series. 

Use the buttons above to navigate through our legacy, from our current EFSAE cars to our past with the VRI.