Winter Track and Field


Monday 11/21/2022 is the first day of a season that will culminate in a championship but most of all, in each member of the squad realizing their goals!

Those who have yet to sign up for the Remind messaging, see coach today.

We will meet at the track every day AT 3PM except when the weather changes and we start meeting in the D Wing.

UNLESS told otherwise on Google Classroom, Remind or the school announcements, WE HAVE PRACTICE!

** Practice is everyday 3pm-4pm week one and then 3pm-4:45pm or later every week after that

**Change in the locker room and BRING ALL YOUR STUFF WITH YOU TO THE TRACK

**Dress for the weather (be prepared for cold, warm or inside practice days!)

**Make sure you drink water, stretch and eat well. You will improve daily if you are taking care of your body before AND after each workout

**You MUST be at practice EVERYDAY even if you are injured. If you are sick with a cold or flu like symptoms, STAY HOME!

**We have weight room workouts everyday with different groups. Be respectful of each others space and go in for the workout, Do the workout and GO HOME! Make sure you bring a protein bar or protein shake for your post workout snack.

**Your attendance and effort will dictate if and when you can compete in meets or invitationals. EVERYTHING is earned so be prepared to work hard!

**If you have any concerns, questions, difficulties or any issues at all, let any of the coaches know- Coach Kased, Coach Bradley, or Coach A. Our doors are always open!