Art Services Club


The purpose of the Woodbridge High School Art Service Club is to serve the school with art work and beautification projects including posters, signs, banners, murals, calligraphy, photography and special 3-D projects. All departments including the administration have requested our services during the school year.

The Art Services Club members also involve themselves in community art projects. BUT, one does not need to be a great artist to join the club! The club spends the required amount of time to complete projects, as needed. The WHS Art Services Club meets once a week and possibly more, depending on current projects. The meetings are held in room 120 or at the site of the project. During Remote learning, the meetings are held via Google Meet.

Due to the nature of the services involved, we encourage members who join, be willing contribute their skills, time and commitment to meet various deadlines and dates in the service of the WHS community. At the beginning of every year, the club holds elections for the officials including President, Vice President, Secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer. This year, the club has a good number of returning members as well as some new additions and we are always recruiting! Would you be willing to join us?

Everyone is welcome to join the Art Services Club!

Class code is p6nfk3p