


Grades 6-8

Topics we'll explore in 8th grade- Convocation first, you choose the topic individually or in small groups. Then we jump back into time and explore the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and the Elizabethan Time Period. Get ready to expand that mind of yours...

Topics we'll explore in 6th grade- the year is devoted to psychology and learning all about you. You'll immerse yourself in tests, games, and videos, all which will help you determine "who you are." You will also learn about leadership and philosophy all while going at your own pace and exploring your own interests. It's certainly an enlightening year!

Topics we'll explore in 7th grade- first off, we go back to the Impressionist/Post Impressionist artists and learn about artists and their styles, you even get to teach the class what you've learned and provide a demonstration lesson. YES, we will all become artists in class. Next, we can blast back and learn a little calligraphy or Chinese/Japanese art. From there we go back further and see the cave art that was created. From art we move forward to Forensics, and learn to be a detective or we can explore race inequality with a unit devoted to race, prejudice, bias in society, then and now.