Activities for Summer

Things to do when you are home this Summer...

In Google Classrooms, I have provided a ton of resources in the STREAM!

  • Go on a gallery walk at an art gallery around the world-peruse the rooms and reflect on a painting of choice in your journal!

  • Become a Birder-it's quite popular now. Go to the and take a look around the site. Download its Audubon Bird Guide App and become a birder in your own backyard.

  • Jot down word images in your journal-write down poems, reflections, random ideas, dreams, etc.

  • Explore new genres of literature-try a new series, or if you read a book by an author, read some more by him or her. Maybe even read an entire series. It's fun to get to know an author well. If you are NOT in PEG, try the MazeRunner series or A Wrinkle in Time or The Giver Quartet. All are fantastic!

  • Keep an emotional journal-jot down your thoughts for 15-20 minutes a day, what a stress reliever it can be!

  • GET OUTSIDE, breathe in the FRESH air, tickle your toes in the grass, let the sun kiss your face, breathe deep!