Incoming Kindergarten Summer Work

Welcome to the Kindergarten Math Summer Site!

We built this page to give you a glimpse into the upcoming year and help you prepare so that you can do your best. Please scroll down for more information and for activities you can use.

We can’t wait to work with you this fall. See you soon!

What We Value and What To Expect

Maintaining a growth mindset ourselves, we continually refine our approach in order to foster a deep mathematical understanding in our students. Beyond just finding the correct answer, this year, students will engage deeply with mathematical concepts, using and exemplifying those ideas through the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) framework. Throughout this year, students will model and explain concepts with manipulatives, drawings, and mathematical expressions, making connections along the way.

To help achieve these goals, we will use Eureka Math² as our main resource. Eureka Math² is an interactive and highly regarded program designed to build lasting math knowledge. Families, click HERE for more information about Eureka Math².

Preparing for Next Year:

Throughout the year, students will complete six modules (or chapters). To be best prepared, a broad range of early learning skills are helpful. Below is a list of these skills as well as some ideas families can use to help to prepare.  


Play games to help with:

For more ideas and summer math fun, please see our Families Fostering Mathematical Skills page.