Tri-Board 7-10-12 Minutes

Post date: Jul 13, 2012 1:25:42 PM

Twin Valley Schools




Regular Directors’ Meeting


Twin Valley Middle School

July 10th. 2012 at 5:30 PM

Present: Aimee Reed, John Doty, Seth Boyd, Phil Taylor, Doug Swanson, Paul Wheeler, Adam Grinold, Dennis Richter, Mike Eldred, Gordon Bristol – clerk of the works, Mike Mclaughlin – Bread Loaf Corp., Bob Maccini – DEW Corp., Mike Farhm - Engellberth, and John Berryhill NBF architect.

Meeting called to order by Seth Boyd –Whitingham, Phil Taylor – Wilmington and Seth Boyd – Twin Valley at 5:35 p.m.

Hearing of visitors – None

The board then moved down on the agenda to Bid Opening for Construction Management Services from Breadloaf, D.E.W., Engleberth, and Russell.

Both the board and John Berryhill thanked all the bidders that were present for the time it takes to submit bids.

After opening each of the bids and letting the board know what the bids were Mike and John went over each bid to compare them and be sure that they were all complete.

The board then moved to the following items on the agenda:

Fiscal Matter(s):

*** Signing of Warrants

SECT – Student/Educator Course Transcript data collection. This data collection is a mandate of the State as part of a requirement for Federal funds already received by the district. Additional personnel time is needed to complete the data entry to the state by August 15, 2012.

Motion was made by Phil Taylor and seconded by Dennis Richter to approve funds in the amount of $3,000 to pay for Twin Valley personnel time.

All in favor

Motion was made by Aimee Reed and seconded by John Doty to approve funds in the amount of $1,000 to pay for Whitingham personnel time.

All in favor

Transportation Coordinator Heather Dix recommended giving Barry & Laura Gerdes a $100. gift certificate to show appreciation for all the favors they have done over the past school year.

Motion was made by Phil Taylor and seconded by Aimee Reed to give the Gerdes a $100. gift certificate.

All in favor

Twin Valley:

Signing of Principal Contract:

A request was made to go into executive session at the end of the meeting to clarify some things.

Searsburg Request:

Searsburg school board sent a letter requesting bus transportation be extended into Searsburg. Currently the bus stops at Medburyville.

After some discussion the following motion was made.

Motion was made by Doug Swanson and seconded by Phil Taylor to have Transportation Coordinator Heather Dix put together a proposal for transportation for Searsburg students and bring it back to the board.

All in favor



A. – Approval of Minutes: June 6 & 26, 2012

Motion was made by Doug Swanson and seconded by Aimee Reed to approve the minutes for June 6th. and 26th.

All in favor


A. – Approval of Minutes: June 6 & 26, 2012

Motion was made by John Doty and seconded by Aimee Reed to approve the minutes for June 6th. and 26th.

All in favor


A. – Approval of Minutes: June 6th, 7th, and June 26th.

After some discussion about the number (25) of potential Pre-K students and the number (18) that had actually signed up being a large difference it may have saved time on making a decision about what to do if the board had known.

Motion was made by Adam Grinold and seconded by Dennis Richter to approve the minutes for June 6th, 7th. and June 26th.

All in favor



*** Bid Opening for Construction Management Services

*** Approval of Capital Improvements Note

Motion was made by John Doty and seconded by Aimee Reed to approve Capital Improvement Note.

All in favor


*** Bid Opening for Construction Management Services

*** Appointment of Art Teacher

After some discussion about why the board did not receive the whole packet of information about the teacher recommended for the position the following motion was made. Phil told the board that Becca had turned all of that information in but it never made it to the board members.

Motion was made by Doug Swanson and seconded by Paul Wheeler to appoint the new art teacher.

2 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstained

Motion failed

Twin Valley:

*** Bid Opening for Construction Management Services

*** Legal Representation

Seth suggested looking to see who is out there from VT. Nothing wrong with the current firm from MA but thinks it may be better to have a VT based firm who is up on the VT laws.

Phil talked about using two firms.

Doug asked if this was being looked at by the Supervisory level for each district to keep it simple by using the same firms.

Phil agrees but would like to see the board select someone they need not who the supervisory board selects.

Discussion about getting some recommendations, compare rates, and ask firms for a proposal.

Aimee questioned if that would mean the board would be stuck to take the cheapest proposal.

John thinks it would be good to get a lawyer who was just focusing on the Twin Valley board. It’s not like negotiating a contract.

Phil will contact a couple firms and bring the information back to the next meeting in two weeks.

*** Update on Academic Committee

Phil reported the committee met a couple weeks ago with the principals from each school and came up with a list of key items to do.

John spoke about this being a way to blend the two curriculums and feels the complications will be with the two elementary schools.

Aimee asked if there would be input from the staff.

Phil said he couldn’t speak for the principals but feels that it would be done like Becca is doing with DVES team teaching.

Seth wants to be sure the principals will be representing the staff.

Doug thinks it should start at the top (12th.grade) and trickle down to elementary. Need to know what we are striving for.

It’s important to have all three administrators involved.

*** Establish Academic Committee

Phil passed out a copy of the motion to the board members and after discussion and the change of a few words the following motion was made.

Motion was made by Phil Taylor and seconded by Aimee Reed to Create The Twin Valley Academic Committee. Copy attached with minutes.

All in favor

*** Appoint Academic Committee Board Members

The board recommended John for the board.

Motion was made by Aimee Reed and seconded by Phil Taylor to appoint John Doty to the Academic Committee Board.

All in favor

The board also recommended Phil for the board. Dennis questioned if he was taking on too much at this time. Others expressed that this is something Phil has a great passion for and he should choose if it is too much.

Motion was made by Doug Swanson and seconded by Aimee Reed to appoint Phil Taylor to the Academic Committee Board.

All in favor

*** Web Based Communication for Boards

Discussion only – no action taken at this time.

Phil recommended starting a google group to make communications easier.

Using a public web base to post agendas, policies, minutes and motions.

Seth said that the board members could set up a school email address as well.

Adam mentioned there are grant opportunities to apply for training of using different programs.

John went online to show the board how Windham Central does it, they use board accounts. Minutes go to supervisory office then are posted for the public to view.

Phil will speak with Curtis to see what he thinks about it and Dennis suggested having Curtis contact Windham Central.


Gordon Bristol – Clerk of the works came back to the board with his and John Berryhill’s recommendation for the Construction Management Services.

He spoke about how the process worked and what he and John looked at in the bids and how they compared them and came up with their recommendation.

Their recommendation was to go with D.E.W

After discussion the following motion was made.

Motion was made by Doug Swanson and seconded by Phil Taylor to choose D.E.W. for Construction Management Services with the anticipated GMP of $11,212,730. With a CM Fee of 1.25%

All in favor

Motion was made by Dennis Richter and seconded by Doug Swanson to move to executive session at 7:00 p.m.

All in favor

Motion was made by Paul Wheeler and seconded by Dennis Richter to adjourn the Wilmington Board.

All in favor

Motion was made by Seth Boyd and seconded by Aimee Reed to adjourn the Whitingham Board.

All in favor

Motion was made by the chair to return from executive session at 7:30 p.m.

Action taken after executive session:

No action taken

Motion was made by Dennis Richter and seconded by Phil Taylor at 7:30 p.m. to adjourn the regular meeting,

All in favor

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Moore