

Throughout this module, you will be asked to "Stop, Think and Journal" to address different prompts. You will also have various activities to complete. Please make sure you have a way of recording your thoughts (i.e. notebook, Google doc, etc.). We have provided a Google Journal link, on the left that you can use to track your work and thoughts.

This module is best viewed using Chrome.

Challenge Activity

Mr. Beckman is frustrated by one of his third grade student’s continuous interruptions in class. Malik always has a retort, a joke, a comeback, sometimes even a correction for the teacher or a peer. He even once told the cafeteria manager that just because his lunch was free didn’t mean it should be cold. The teacher has removed the student from class discussions, sent him to the ‘buddy chair’ and the hallway for breaks. One day, he finds himself losing his temper. The student cries.

The teacher sends an email to the student’s family. He writes, “Can I get your help? I got frustrated today and I’m afraid I hurt your son’s feelings. I owe him an apology. Your son is incredibly enthusiastic and smart! I need your help in finding ways for him to be a leader in my class, without interrupting others. What do you do at home to teach him this? I would love your advice.”

Malik’s mother replies, “I work two jobs every day. I don’t know when I would be able to meet in person, but could you call me between 7 pm and 8 pm before I leave for my second job.”

Stop, Think, and Journal

After reading the above scenario please answer the following questions in your journal.

1. Based on the email, do you think Mr. Beckham has established a positive a relationship with Malik’s mom?

2. Based on the Mom's needs, how can Mr. Beckman effectively communicate with her?

3. Although Mr. Beckman is addressing Malik's behavior, do you think there is a need to

address his academic needs and progress?