Painting Studio

TAB - Teaching Artistic Behaviors - Student Choice

Painters - Artists who paint

Watch the videos below to learn how to learn about the artists.

Painter -

Wayne Thiebaud

Pop Art -

Andy Warhol

Unlock the Painting Studio

Watch the videos below to learn how to unlock the painting studio, or to review how the painting studio works.

Painting Studio - Unlock

Unlock the Painting Studio


Painting Studio - Intro.

Painting Studio - Set up.mp4

Painting Studio Set Up

Painting Studio - Clean up.mp4

Painting Cleanup

Painting Videos

Watch the videos below to learn different painting techniques.

Watercolor Techniques

Tempra Paint Techniques

10 Alternative Painting Techniques

More Alternative Painting Techniques

Painting Studio Ideas

Watch the videos below for ideas on different painting ideas.

Landscape Painting

Donut Pop Art - Warhol Style

Water Lillies - Monet Style

Impressionist Style Painting

Monochromatic Painting

Monochromatic Painting