Volunteer & Job Shadow

Local job opportunities

Job opportunities can be found on the bulletin board in the cafeteria.  

The bulletin board is left of the library entrance.  

Here, you can find the latest openings for jobs in the area.

Looking for a job? 

Try the following resources:

Bulletin Board in the Cafeteria at Liberty High School (left of the library entrance)

Snag A Job | Hourly jobs with applications

Indeed | Search jobs by locations

Missouri Connections | Offers multiple job search websites. See Mrs. Gerringer for directions on creating a portfolio. Under the employment tab, you will find a link to sources.

Visit our local Career Center and talk with the youth counselor | • Missouri Career Center • 212 Turner Blvd. • St. Peters, MO • 636-255-6060 ext. 5246 

Volunteer Opportunities:

Community Council | Community service is a great way to get involved and will also be an excellent addition to your college and scholarship applications

Therapeutic Horsemanship | A wonderful facility very close to Liberty where you can volunteer. Visit the website or call 636-332-4941

Job Shadowing:

WSD Job Shadowing program - this a partnership between WSD and the Career Exploration Alliance.  CEA is an organization dedicated to pairing professionals with students in the St. Charles County region so that they can get a real world experience to guide career path decisions. 

Medical Explorers Post Program | Hosted by Barnes-Jewish St. Peters, Progress West, SSM St. Joseph and SSM St. Joseph West Hospitals. Open to juniors and seniors considering a career in healthcare. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month, rotating between hospitals. Each meeting covers a new department and a new set of healthcare career possibilities, with hands-on opportunities. Students who successfully complete the program will be eligible to win one of two $500 scholarships funded by the hospitals. This is a competitive program that starts in September and fills quickly. Sometimes a waiting list is kept for future years. Please contact Barb Hutchison at 636-947-5466 or for more information.

See the website link Learning For Life for a complete list of Exploring Post opportunities for students interested in Aviation, Business, Communication, Engineering, Environmental Science, Fire Science, Health Careers, Law Enforcement, Pharmacology, and Zoology. 

You can now earn 25% of your A+ Tutoring hours through a job shadow experience. You must attend a training first. Then, make an appointment to see Mrs. Gerringer. You will have to come up with your own shadow experience, complete the form/reflection and have it signed by the person you shadowed.