
Hello Parents!

Can you really believe that it is February!?! Hopefully the rest of winter will be as gentle as it has been so far. Aside from the frigid temperatures we have had very little snow! We have a busy, exciting, but short month ahead!

100th Day of School

The 100th Day of School is an exciting event for students. As much as they think we are celebrating the year being half over, we are actually working on many math skills. As of now (pending Mother Nature's plan for snow days) the 100th day of school is on Friday February 7. I ask each child to assemble a 100 day collection they counted. I ask that you send the collection in a ZIPLOC BAG with his or her name. This is a great way for your child and you to work together on grouping, counting, and overall number sense. If your child would like to donate his or her collection to the class please print that on their bag. The collections may be saved for a creative bulletin board. We will be doing fun activities with 100, and working on counting to 100 by ones, fives, and tens.

Valentines Day

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on February 14th. Children are welcome to exchange valentines with their friends. If your child brings in valentines please bring in enough for the WHOLE CLASS. There are 19 students in our class. Please refrain from sending in candy or treats with your valentines, we will have to send them back home. If your child is ready, you may have them write both to and from on their valentines. If your child is not ready, your child may just practice their own name.

February Vacation

Vacation begins at the close of school on February 14th and school resumes on February 24th.

Kindergarten Registration

Registration for the class of 2020-2021 has already begun. If you or someone you know has a child that will be five by August 31, 2020, please check out the District website for information on registration. You may access all of the forms necessary for Kindergarten registration by visiting the District website at www.wrsd.net. Registration forms will be returned to Naquag Elementary School.


During the month of February we will be discussing Groundhog Day, nutrition, Presidents Day, and of course the 100th day of school.

During our literacy time we will be covering the following texts sets from Fountas and Pinnell: Exploring Fiction and Nonfiction (What is the writer’s reason for writing?), Having Fun with Language (How do writers make stories fun to read?), and Exploring Animal Tales (Why are folktales important to people?). We will continue to do interactive read alouds with familiar stories and shared reading with our big books. We are also using guided reading groups to isolate a variety of reading strategies. Within our phonics component we will be looking at letter features (tall, small, tail, bumps, straight, etc.). The children will be recognizing familiar words (sight words, color words, number words, etc.). We will also play with words changing the beginning sound to make or solve a new word.

In math, we will soon begin Module 4 of Eureka Math. It is an exciting time as we will be beginning addition and subtraction. We will start with composing and decomposing numbers using number bonds, and move toward work with addition and subtraction equations. A math tips handouts for module four will be sent home with each topic. It provides visuals and descriptions of the various topics in the module.

Read Everyday (R.E.D. Envelopes)

Beginning this month you will see something new coming home. Each child will have a R.E.D. folder that will come home. In the envelope you will find a book that is at your child’s level. We ask that you read with your child until they can “fluently” read the book by themselves. We will read with your child back at school and give them a sticker. The envelopes DO NOT need to come back every day. We want you to practice as long as possible! This is a fun way to foster a love for reading!

Special Dates to remember:

February 7th: 100th day of school

February 14th: Valentine's Day (Wear Red)

February Vacation: 2/17 - 2/21

February 28: Fabulous Friday “Silly Socks Day”!

See you soon!

Megan Knight

Donna Merhib

Scrounge List

