Parent Info

   Tips for an Easier Drop Off 0n the First Day of School 

• Be Upbeat: Not being emotional about the fact that it's the first day of school for a child is the best example that parents can set. Parents should remember to remain happy, upbeat, and excited that the school year has begun. This will help encourage the child to be positive about school, and learn to love it. (Fischer)• Don’t linger at drop off:  Both children and parents can have separation anxiety at drop off time, especial on the first day of school.  The longer you stay, the harder it will be for both you and your child.  Take a few minutes to get acquainted with the teacher and the room.  Then give your child reassurance that he/she is safe and will have fun; and that he/she will see you at the end of the day.  If your child will not let you go, it’s a good idea to have the teacher take and comfort the child while you leave.  A good way to make this transition is to tell your child (in front of the teacher) that he/she is going to stay with Miss so and so and you will see him/her at the end of the day.  Most students stop crying within five minutes of their parents leaving.  Feel free to call the teacher later on in the day to see how your child has adjusted to the classroom.• Focus on rewarding “brave” behavior with praise and attention. (University of Missouri)• For children who are very apprehensive, focus on small steps and consider giving an after-school reward for their brave behaviors like engaging in a fun activity, having a special dinner, and visiting a preferred place. (University of Missouri)  Fischer, Melanie. First Day of Kindergarten. Retrieved 8/15/08University of Missouri. Parents' Kindergarten Anxiety Is Normal. Retrieved 8/15/08

We ask that students leave toys, trinkets, and trading cards at home.  Students are welcome to bring books. 

We want to make sure that all our students can run and play safely outside, so please make sure your child wears comfortable shoes that fit securely.  Please no flip-flops.

You may want to keep an extra pair of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, and socks) in your child's backpack, in case the clothes they are wearing get wet or soiled. The nurse has a limited supply of extra clothes.