Titanic Video

Titanic Video Project

Introduction to the Titanic Video Project

For this project, you will be creating a video that presents information that you learned while doing research on the Titanic. The video to the left is an example of information learned through researching the survivors of the Titanic disaster. View the video to get a better understanding of what your own video project will need to include.

View the presentation below to learn how to save images for your Titanic video.

Finding and Saving Copyright-friendly Pictures for Titanic 2021

Finding and Saving Pictures - 

Creative Commons and Other Licenses

The slide presentation to the left goes over how to find, save and give credit to pictures that you have not been given Creative Commons license to reuse.  For any pictures that you use in your project that are not under a Creative Commons license, you need to copy the URL (website) where the picture can be found and paste it on your Image Credits document.

Step One: How to Get Started in WeVideo

Getting started with WeVideo - 20-21 for Titanic

Step Two:  Adding Your own Images

Next, begin to add and  edit your own images.

The video to the right demonstrates how to create a folder in the My Media tab and import pictures into the folder that you've created. It also goes over how to add the pictures to your timeline.

Steps Three and Four: Adding Voice Recordings, Sound Effects and Music

How to add voice recordings and adjust timings

How to add sound effects and music

Final Steps: Adding/Adjusting Transitions and Audio, Publishing and Sharing Your Video

How to Add Transitions

How to Add & Adjust Audio

Final Step in Creating and Sharing Your Video

Last step: Share the Link by Selecting and Submitting the Form for Your Teacher Below

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