1:1 Technology

Goals and Information

Why 1:1?

In our 1:1 learning environment, the School District of Wisconsin Rapids goals include the following:

  • Improved Student Learning: Through instructional strategies that apply best practices in teaching with technology and a variety of resources which support the curriculum, student learning will improve.

  • Transformative Learning: Through a 1:1 learning environment, students and teachers will be able to implement transformative uses of technology and enhance student engagement with content. Through this we hope to promote self-directed, lifelong learners.

  • 21st Century Skills: We will ensure that students have high level 21st Century Skills, including communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills which will prepare them for a successful future beyond high school.

  • Equity of Access: By providing each student with a Chromebook, we will bridge the digital divide by providing all students access to technology tools and resources for anytime, anywhere learning.

WRPS is supplying each student attending Wisconsin Rapids Area Middle School with a Chromebook to use at school and home. This device is the property of the School District of Wisconsin Rapids. The supplied instructional device's function provides each student access to required educational materials needed for each student to be successful. The Chromebook allows student access to Skyward, Clever, Google Suite for Education (including Google Classroom), educational web-based tools, as well as many other useful sites. The supplied device is an educational tool not intended for gaming, social networking or high-end computing.