Library Logistics

teacher reading to kids - link to library logistics page

Links to schedules, session offerings, and other library related "stuff."

ITL Standards

microchip - link to ITL standards page

The NEW tech standards have just been revised and released! Find out what we need to be doing to help our students keep up with the demands of life in a tech world.

Curriculum Resources

lucy calkins - link to curriculum resources

I Love Lucy! No not the TV series, you can find resources for our new Lucy Calkins curriculum here. Mentor text lists and ideas to incorporate technology into each curriculum. You can also find unit plans, other content collections, and teacher tools here as well.

Professional Development

teamwork hands - link to professional development page

Looking for some tech tutorials or just want to learn something new? You can find links to PD sessions, presentations and materials from previous workshops and other helpful information. You can also make REQUESTS for different types of "Library Media" PD you'd like to see.

TP Tech Tips

toilet paper - link to TP tech tips newsletter page

LMC School Pages

Looking for the newest tech tools or something to spice up your lessons? Check out the digital version of our favorite bathroom reading material!

wrps lmc logo - link to school specific sites

Find school-specific links here. You can also request links to be added to your school's library home page or Clever here too!