The Library RULES

Please Take Care of Your Books!

This is YOUR library. Show respect for the books, technology, and people who use it. "The LMC is the place to be" - let's keep it that way!

All students may have 3 books checked out at any given time. If you return one, you may check out another. If you return two, you can choose two new books to take home, etc.

Students who need additional books for AR or projects may check out a few extra to be kept at school for use in the classroom.

Most classes visit the library at least once per week, but the library is always open for students who'd like to use it during the school day! Books are checked out for 2 weeks at a time. Students can renew books they are still reading whenever they'd like. We will send you a reminder if your books have been overdue for a while.


Fines will be issued for books damaged beyond repair.

piggy bank

If you lose your book, please try to find it right away. Get those magnify glasses out and get to work! All books not returned after 90 days will be marked lost. You will be responsible for paying for a replacement copy of the book. Fines are added in Skyward in the Fall and Spring. These fines will remain in your account until paid...even when you leave elementary school. If you pay a fine and then find the book, a refund will be generated for you if returned within 1 year of the date it was marked lost. We are willing to work with families to set up payment plans or other accommodations. Please check with the Library Media Specialist, your school secretary, or library aide for more info.

Designate a safe spot in your house to keep your library books like on a special shelf or in a basket. Backpacks work great too!


So you can’t find your library book…

Before you begin your search, think about what the book looks like. Is is hardcover or paperback? What color is it? Was it a picture book or a chapter book? If you can’t remember what it looks like, you can login to your Destiny Discover account and click on your “checkouts” to see a picture of the cover. You can also check with your library aide at school. Then, let the search begin!

If you're not sure where to start, here's a list of places to try looking.


  • At the doctor's or dentist's office
  • At the local public library
  • At church
  • At the babysitter's house
  • At a relative’s house
  • At your daycare/after-school care facility
  • At your friend's house
  • At your other parent’s house
  • At Mom or Dad’s work place
  • Wherever you went on errands recently
  • At a restaurant or hotel
detective with magnify glass


  • In the vehicle of whomever you ride to school with
  • On the bus
  • Wherever you hangout after school
  • On the classroom or teacher’s bookshelf
  • In my, my neighbor’s, or friend’s desk
  • Top shelf of your school locker
  • In the cafeteria, gym, band room, etc.
  • In the school office
  • In any of the "Lost and Found" areas around school
  • On the library shelf (It might have been shelved without being checked in)


  • In the car
  • Under the baby’s car seat
  • In the trunk of the car
  • In the garage
  • Behind or under the washer or dryer
  • In the stroller bag
  • In the recycling bin
  • In your folder or binder
  • In your backpack
  • In your sibling's backpack
  • On top of the piano
  • In the piano bench
  • In the reclining chair
  • Under or in back of the sofa
  • Under or on top of the kitchen or dining room table
  • Behind the refrigerator
  • In the freezer - seriously, it doesn't hurt to check
  • On top of/behind/under the oven
  • On top of, behind, or under the dishwasher
  • On your bedroom bookshelf
  • On one of the other bookshelves
  • On/in your desk at home
  • On/in your brother/sister’s desk
  • Under your bed
household items
  • Under your brother/sister’s bed
  • Between the sheets at the foot of your bed
  • Between your bed and the wall
  • Between the mattress and box springs
  • In the crib
  • On top or behind the dresser
  • In the dresser drawers
  • In the closet (check all closets)
  • Under the dirty clothes
  • In the toy box
  • In the bathroom
  • On the back porch
  • In the dog house
  • In the tree house
  • In the back yard
  • By the pool
  • In the basement
  • Packed with the holiday decorations
  • Under the TV set stand
  • On top of the DVD player
  • On top of the stereo
  • In the magazine rack
  • On the coffee table
  • Under the rug