Game On!


kids on computers - link to great gamers site

Getcha' game on with links to different gaming websites here. What will you play?


laptop with code on screen - link to coding site

Coding is the language of the future. Learn how to talk to computers through coding. Create an app or game to share with your friends.

Magnificent MAKERS

kids using makerspace - link to makers page

Have you heard about "Makerspaces?" Children use their creativity to invent, collaborate and inspire.

Masters of MATH

math equations - link to math site

Tons of links to math activities!

Marvelous MAPPERS

map of wisconsin rapids - link to mappers page

Goodbye printed maps, and hello digital ones! Check here for interactive, 3D, and virtual reality maps and activities.


kids doing science projects - link to scientist page

Tons of links to science programs and games.