
welcome Video

Course Overview

This course is designed to develop your skills as an all round musician: composer, performer and musicologist.

At the end of the course you will have a really good understanding of how music is put together and why.

You will be able to compose and perform with confidence.

Pupils will need to be able to play or sing to Grade 3 standard by the time of their exam in Year 11, which means they should be around grade 1 standard in Year 9.

Ideally they should be already having Peripatetic lessons or start having lessons this year. There is financial support available to pay the full cost for Pupil Premium Students or part of the cost of the lessons via our Privately funded Scholarship Fund.

Year 10

By the end of Year 10, pupils will have completed their first composition and will have completed the set works part of the listening exam. They will start learning and rehearsing their solo and ensemble pieces. Their compositions can be recorded live in our recording studio or they can use Sibelius or Logic Software on our Macs.

Year 11

During Year 11 Pupils will record their solo and ensemble performance pieces, complete their second composition and undertake practice papers for the listening exam.

Over the two years they will study: Film Music, Pop Music, Music for Ensembles: Jazz, Musical Theatre, Chamber Music, Music from the Western Classical Tradition and Fusion Music.

assessment method

30% Performing: 2 performances: 1 solo, 1 ensemble.

30% Composing: 2 compositions

40% Listening: 1 hour 15 minute long exam. Pupils will listen to music and answer questions based on what they can hear and what they already know.

Future Routes

A- Level Music/Btec Level 3 Music performance followed by University to study music as a BA Hons or BMus.


Professional musician, songwriter, composer, film composer, teacher, community music, music therapist,

DJ, Live music venue manager.


Q. Do I need to play an instrument?

A. Not necessarily. You could do your performances using music technology such as mixing or by using Logic or another DAW. If you do play or sing then you will need to be around Grade 2 standard and be around grade 3 standard by the Spring of Year 11. If you would like to do Music but don’t currently learn an instrument or have singing lessons then you would need to start learning this year.

Q. Do I have to read Music notation?

A. No, we teach you everything that you need to know for the listening exam and coursework in class.

Q. Do I have to perform in front of people?

A. No, it would be great if you did want to perform in public as it is a great opportunity to inspire our younger pupils and great experience for you. The performance coursework doesn’t require an audience and it can be recorded more than once.

Q. Will I be able to rehearse with my band?

A. Yes we reserve the Live room in the recording studio suite for GCSE and 6th form bands to rehearse after school and we make sure we help you get lots of performing opportunities.

Q. What if I can’t afford Instrument or Singing lessons?

A. We run a scholarship scheme at school where our private donors, Lady Evelyn Strasburger and The Roper Family Trust, pay 75% of the cost of instrument lessons for pupils where money may be tight at home. If you are in receipt of Free School Meals then the cost of your instrument lessons and associated costs (sheet music, exam fees, instrument hire) will be free. You can contact, in confidence, the Head of Music: to discuss this further.