Hospitality & Catering

welcome Video

Course Overview

This course focusses on the hospitality and catering industry. You will develop the practical skills, knowledge and understanding related to a range of areas within the hospitality and catering industry; how they operate and what they have to take into account to be successful. You will have the opportunity to learn about issues related to nutrition and food safety as well as many other aspects related to the industry. In this qualification, you will also develop food preparation and cooking skills as well as transferable skills of problem solving, organisation and time management.

Year 10

Students will spent this year developing both their theoretical and practical skills. The theoretical knowledge you will learn , looks at areas such as nutrition, environmental issues in the food industry and food poisoning. Over the duration of the year the students will also develop a range of practical skills that will support them in their coursework project. The students will experience using a range of different ingredients and techniques, such as pastry, advanced pasta making, butchering, fish filleting, sauces and breads.

Year 11

During this year the students will work on their coursework project, where the students will research and develop ideas linked to a given question. This will culminate in a practical exam when the students will have the opportunity to cook and present their dishes. After the culmination of the coursework the students will begin revision in preparation for the written exam which will be taken in the summer term.

assessment method

The students are challenged both practically and theoretically

Each unit is assessed as Pass, Merit and Distinction (this equates to GCSE grading 4-8)

Unit 1 (40%): The Hospitality and Catering Industry - Written exam - 1hr 30mins

Unit 2 (60%): Hospitality and Catering in Action - Practical controlled assessment

The practical controlled assessment is a 4hr practical exam where the students will be expected to produce two dishes and accompaniments to satisfy a chosen brief.

Future Routes

Students can progress to the Level 3 course Food Science and Nutrition. Furthermore, the food industry is one of the largest employers in the UK. Career options include: Chef, sports science, dietician, food journalism, product development, home economist, events management, hospitality, front of house, conference management, buyer, production manager, public relations, hygiene control, National Health Service, health promotion, technical management


Q. How much practical is there on the course?

A.There is over 100 hours of lesson time in both Y10 and Y11, so the students will be carrying out a range of both theoretical and practical tasks during this time. Students will be cook at least once every 3 lessons, if not more often in different modules.

Q. What types of practicals tasks will I be doing?

A. The lessons are longer than in KS3 so it gives the students the opportunity to develop more complex skills. They will carry out a range of practical tasks from pasties to pastas, sauces, desserts, breads etc.

Q. What is Hospitality and Catering?

A. Through their development of theory knowledge the students will learn about the Hospitality Industry, this will be assessed during the written exam in either Y10 or Y11. The Catering aspect (cooking) will be assessed through the coursework project.

Q. Will I have to sit a written exam?

A. This course allows students the opportunity to have 2 attempts at the written with the highest grade counting. This means that the students are entered for the exam in Y10, they then have the option to retake at the end of Y11.

Q. How am I assessed for my practical skills?

A. The students will be building up a range of practical skills throughout Y10 and Y11. Their coursework projects will focus on the designing and cooking of 2 dishes. The students will have a 4 hours practical exam usually in Y11 where they can demonstrate these skills.

Q. Can I make what whatever I like for the coursework?

A. There will be a question given to the students by the exam board but it is usually quite open so there are very few limitations on what dishes the students cook for their final assessment. We have had dishes ranging from roast dinners, to pizza and lasagnes in the past.

Q. What resources are available to help?

A. The students will have access to all of the presentations and resources from each of the lessons , there is also a textbook and a revision guide available to support the students through the qualification.

Q. How are the ingredients proved?

A. All ingredients are proved by school, although we do ask for a £10 donation to help cover the costs of these ingredients for the year., for pupil premium students this is covered by the school.

Q. Can I still be successful at this course if I am vegetarian/vegan or have a special diet?

A. Absolutely, many students have in the past. All of the practicals that we do can be modified to take into account the dietary needs of the students.