computer science

welcome Video

Course Overview

Gives students a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works. This course will give them an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, including computer programming, which many students find absorbing.

It provides an excellent preparation for higher study and employment in the field of computer science. The increasing importance of information technologies means there will be a growing demand for professionals who are qualified in this area. Students who have taken a GCSE in Computer Science and who then progress to study the subject at A Level or university will have an advantage over their colleagues who are picking up the subject at these levels.

Component 1

Computer Systems

The first component is an exam focused on computer systems covering the physical elements of computer science and the associated theory. Understanding topics such as Networking, Computer Security, and Systems Architecture lead to a good foundation in the subject.

Component 2

Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming

This component is focused on the core theory of computer science and the application of computer science principles. Students will have the opportunity to design, code, test and develop programs using the python language, although the concepts learned apply to the majority of modern languages.

assessment methods

Assessment method


Component 1 - 90 minutes - 50%

Component 2 - 90 minutes - 50%

Future Routes

The course provides excellent preparation for students who want to study or work in areas that rely on problem solving and/or programming skills, especially where they are applied to technical problems. These areas include engineering, financial and resource management, science, medicine and, of course, the many types of career within the computer industry.


Q. What is the difference between Computer Science and DIT?

A. Computer Science teaches you how the computer works, and includes a fair bit of programming. DIT teaches you to use the computer to make things and work efficiently. DIT is like learning to drive a car, Computer Science is more like training to be a mechanic!

Computer Science has two exams that give the overall grade.

DIT has coursework and one smaller exam.

Q. What are the entry requirements for Computer Science?

A. The most important thing is being really interested in the subject as then you’ll be willing to work hard. Most students doing Computer Science have a target grade of 6 or above in Maths. But the most important thing is that you’re interested and willing to work hard.

Q: What programming will I learn in Computer Science?

A. We do most of our work in Python. But the concepts are more important than the details and you will be able to transfer what you learn to other languages. There are very few programmers who only program in one language, as they are each tools for different jobs.

Q. Is DIT an easy option?

A. No - there are no easy KS4 courses (sorry!), it is really important that you work hard throughout the course as you must keep up with the coursework.

Q. What do I need to study Computing or IT at Sixth form or college?

A. Both courses prepare you really well to study in more detail in sixth form or college. Not having done one before does not ban you from doing it in the next stage. Having said that it obviously helps you a bit to have done the subject before!

Q. You haven’t answered my question!

A. Please ask your Computing teacher or email Mr Attfield (