key stage 4

Virtual options event


We are exceptionally proud of Writhlington School. Our students are assured of excellent outcomes with students regularly achieving grades well above the national average. In addition to this, the excellent pastoral support ensures students feel they are valued members of the school community. The curriculum offers students a wide range of options catering to all career pathways and the success of this is reflected in the high quality destinations students achieve.

Mr Keith Howard - Headteacher

Mr Burr

Deputy Headteacher for Curriculum

At Writhlington School our aim is create opportunities and inspire achievement in everything we do. Our curriculum aims to develop students with a growth mindset who are respectful, aspirational, resilient and communicative. It will equip our students with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to make the most of life’s opportunities and be successful in it whilst fulfilling their ambitions. A crucial element of this is the subjects that our students study during Years 10 and 11.

Year 9 is an exciting time for students as it provides the opportunity to reflect on their learning to date and aspirations for the future, and to make decisions that will help shape their educational journey. The transition from Year 9 to Year 10 where they start the Key Stage 4 Curriculum, is the first time they have genuine options about what they decide to study. These decisions influence what they will study post 16, be it in sixth form, at college or an apprenticeship and in turn after that in further or higher education. We see this as a crucial time in your child’s educational journey and view it as a collaborative process between the student, their parents/carers and the school.

In Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) we offer a broad and balanced programme to all. Students follow a range of subjects, including the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) which includes Careers and Physical Education. Students can also choose a number of additional subjects which are outlined in the Key Stage 4 Curriculum booklet.

The combination of core and option subjects allows students to pursue subjects that suit their ambitions, aspirations and needs. Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum provides a range of courses, allowing all students to achieve success and fulfil their potential.

Key Dates


Yr 9 Writhlington Curriculum Booklet KS4 2023 onwards (1).pdf