Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee

This is a new committee this year and one of the most important ones.  This committee is a liaison between the student council and SISC.  They run equity and inclusion initiatives, coordinate guest speakers, organize drives in times of world crisis and put on a WCI Leadership Conference breaking down barriers.

Social Justice Directors 

Nur Iscan

Hey Vikes! My name is Nur, I'm a grade 12 student in my third year of leadership and one of your Social Justice directors for the 2023-24 school year!

Rachel McGowan

Hi Vikings :):) My name is Rachel 

Social Justice events

Viking Helping Viking

An activityathon fundraising to fund students participation in school sports/events.

Social Justice club

An opportunity for students to voice their concerns within our school community and see resulting action.


School board wide, week long, environmental challenge, with 10 schools and over 600 students participating!