Courses To COnsider in your Grade 10 YEAR


*If you took BBI1OI in Gr.9 you can not take this course.  

Consider ------->

BEP2OI, Launching and Leading a Business

Welcome to the world of business! In this course we will explore all the different areas of business including, production, management, marketing, accounting, human resources and more. You can discover what areas you are passionate about and learn new skills to create success in your future endeavours. Learn what is required to be successful, ethical, and responsible in today’s economy. 


While coded as a grade 11 course, this hands on course is only offered every other year.  So it is available 2024/2025 and then not again until your Gr.12 year. Many grade 10 students take this course and love it!

BDI3CI, Entrepreneurship; The Venture

So you want to know what it takes to run your own business? This is the place to start!  We focus on the ways Entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas and organize resources to plan successful business ventures. You will plan and run your own business in class and through that hands-on experience, develop the values, traits, and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurs. No matter your goals for the future, the skills learned here will help you succeed!


This is coded as a grade 11 course but many students take it in grade 10 and are incrediby successful.  If you enjoyed the Accounting unit in Intro to Business in grade 9 then this is a great option for you!

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