September News - vol.2

Important Information

  • We are on our way! We have officially completed a full week with our specials in place and most details of our schedule smoothed out. We are still working on fine-tuning some procedures, but we have accomplished a lot so far, including our first math, language, and reading lessons, progress on iReady diagnostic testing, our first quiz, first birthday, and first sweaty P.E. days. 😉
  • PLEASE review your child's planner and have them show you their math homework page nightly. Sign the planner and hold your child accountable for their 20+ minutes of reading every night. They might need your help setting up a helpful routine for this. They should be in a location away from distractions such as TV, electronics, family conversations, etc. If you need advice / guidance from me on how to support your child with their reading time, please reach out to me and I can share what I know!
  • We just need a few more parents signed up on ClassDojo. My goal is to start using it instead of email updates by the end of this week.


Thank you for sending in all those forms! I've learned so much about your children which will help me form those connections at a speedier rate! We have a terrific group with super parents!

What We're Learning

    • Language Arts ~ We are focused on identifying MAIN IDEA... where it begins! We are using strategies that help us write a main idea statement while listing 2-3 supporting details. We ask, "What does the writer want me to UNDERSTAND about this topic?" We are also practicing our investigative skills by studying context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words we come across in our reading. We are looking for synonyms, antonyms. and examples to help us unlock those meanings. In writing, we will begin with sentence structure and fluency. Our first novel will be Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell; we will start it in early September.

    • Math ~ We are reviewing basic multiplication facts and practicing fluency. Topic 1 is an overview of the meanings of multiplication (repeated addition / equal groups / arrays) and division (repeated subtraction / creating equal groups). We are also looking at multiplication as a way to compare (28 is 7 times as many as 4). This topic is very conceptual, therefore, the homework has been quick. The pages have probably looked a little odd to you. 😎 Our test on this topic is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 4.

    • Social Studies ~ California map and study of regions found within the state

    • PE ~ Team-building games; tag games. Learning procedures and routines for managing equipment.

  • PLEASE help your child meet their 20+ minute reading requirement each night. This is part of their NIGHTLY homework.

Important Upcoming Dates:

Week of August 26th:


  • Mon., 9/2: Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
  • Tue., 9/10: McTeacher Night
  • Wed., 9/11: Fall School Pictures (individual & class standing)
  • Fri., 10/18, 5:00-8:00: Harvest Festival
  • Fri., 9/27: Fun Run
  • Thur, 10/3 - Mon., 10/7: Fall Break, NO SCHOOL
  • Mon., 10/14: District Day, NO SCHOOL for students
  • Thur., 10/24: Field Trip to B Street Theater
  • Sun., 11/3: Daylight Savings Time ends
  • Fri., 11/8: Veteran's Day Assembly
  • Fri., 11/8: Trimester one ends
  • Mon., 11/11: Veteran's Day, NO SCHOOL
  • Mon., 11/18 - Fri., 11/22: Parent-Teacher Conferences, early dismissal
  • Mon., 11/25 - Fri., 11/29: Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL