Model Scale

Select the top level node in the scenegraph (house) to select the entire model and look at the bounding box dimensions of the selection in the status bar at the bottom of the window. In this case the bounding box is [42.71,12.34,79.58]. The width value of 42.71 is similar to the width measured in SU (41.36). The bounding box expands to contain all geometry in the model and some of the trees extend slightly beyond the ground area.

Next, in the viewer, select the sidewalk towards the front of the model and look at the bounding box dimensions. The X dimension shows 41.36 meter which matches exactly with the measurement we took in SU. This confirms the exported model is scaled correctly for Vizard:

Note: If the model scale was incorrect, the model may still look correct in the viewport but the bounding box dimensions might be very small or large.

Run and verify the starting location is correct in Vizard.

Back: Starting Location

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