WES Social Studies

 Welcome to the home page for my classes at Woodside Upper School!

Important Links

Class Rules and Expectations

Be Safe

Be Responsible

Be Aware

Be Respectful

Be Prepared

Please refer to your specific class syllabus for the student expectations.

Student Responsibilities:

Homework and Grading Policy

All grading, written work, testing, and homework standards used in this class reflect the adopted Academic Standards for Woodside School.


Students who have a passing grade in the class but have not completed all of the required work by report card time may receive an “INC” in place of a letter grade. That student will then have two weeks to complete the required work in order to receive a grade. If the work is not completed in that time period, the student’s final grade will be based on an average of grades recorded plus a zero for each missing assignment.

Test Corrections

Students may do test corrections if they score below 70%. Quiz and test corrections must be turned in to me within one week of the students receiving their original scores. By completing test corrections properly, the student may earn up to 70%. Grades in this class are not weighted.


Tests and large projects are usually worth 50-100 points. Smaller projects are usually worth 30-50 points. Classwork, homework assignments, and quizzes are usually worth between 5-25 points.

Excused Absences

Students will be given the opportunity to make up missed assignments because of an excused absence. Excused absences include medical appointments, high school shadowing, and documented sickness. Students will be given one additional day for each excused absence to make up assignments with no loss of credit.

Unexcused Absences

Students who miss school due to suspension, truancy, travel and/or unexcused absences (sports, vacation, etc...) must turn in their missed work upon return. This work will be considered late and graded as such. If a test happens to fall on the day the student returns to class, they will be required to take the test that day. Testing retakes will take place during class if possible, but may also be scheduled during lunch office hours sessions to avoid missing further class instruction.

Late Work

All late homework, projects, and essays will be subject to a deduction of at least 10%. Missed tests will need to be completed within one week of the original test date.

When students turn in any late assignments, they must submit a google form (available in Google Classroom) that will notify me that the assignment has been submitted. After that has been submitted, I will update their grade in Powerschool.