Design Thinking

Elective - Trimester III

During middle school students will be taking on year-long projects that incorporate multiple disciplines. The projects will expand on technical skills attained in previous years and engage with the community. In 2016-17 we'll focus on fine-tuning projects for grades 7 and 8. During this school year, 6th grade will participate in the program through elective classes and a la carte projects with teachers. At the 7th-grade level, students will work in pairs or groups on projects that address an issue that the town of Woodside faces. At the 8th-grade level projects will be more independent and students will be able to work on a topic of their choice within San Mateo County. Additionally, students may use the following technologies in their projects: Arduino/Raspberry Pi, HTML/CSS, Adobe Creative Suite, SketchUp, iMovie, Final Cut Pro, and InVision.

Full course description and information to be added at a later date.