Intermediate Band

Intermediate Band will not be offered for the 2019-2020 school year.

Students who would like to participate in Intermediate Band are required to have taken Beginning Band or rate at a proficiency consistent with having taken Beginning Band prior to enrollment. In addition to the instruments that are offered in the Beginning Band, students may learn to play oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, baritone saxophone, french horn, and tuba. We will continue to work on the foundational elements of music reading and performance and will play more challenging material than that undertaken by our Beginning Band. This is an ensemble for intermediate-level students in the 6th-8th grade. These students will also participate in required quarterly concerts as well as our seasonal parades. Students who elect to take band are required to purchase a low-cost methods book and rent or purchase an instrument for their own use within the class.

Required Materials:

  • Pencil and eraser
  • Instrument
    • Flute
    • Oboe
    • Bassoon
    • Clarinet
    • Bass Clarinet
    • Alto Saxophone*
    • Tenor Saxophone
    • Baritone Saxophone
    • Trumpet
    • French Horn
    • Trombone
    • Baritone Horn
    • Tuba
    • Percussion
  • Tradition of Excellence Book 1 and 2 for chosen instrument

Attendance and Participation- 30%

Playing Check In’s-15%

Classwork – 15%

Concerts- 40%

Participation in band class involves coming to class prepared with instrument, our required technique book, and a pencil for taking notes or completing in-class music-reading and writing assignments. Students should be actively engaged in the lessons in progress, alternately listening to instructions and playing their instrument when appropriate, and working together with their peers in order to advance the progress of the whole group. Students who forget their instrument or any other element necessary for class participation or who are not otherwise engaged in class activities will be docked participation points for the day.

A note regarding the asterisk (*) mark in our grade book: If a student is absent from class, they are unable to receive a daily grade for participation for that day. I use the asterisk (*) mark to indicate that a student missed the day, but this mark does not count for or against a student's grade and should not be a concern to either the parent or student. I will replace asterisks (*) with a zero (0) after any relevant due date has passed. Students can make up assignments at any time with no penalty, but if an individual waits until the last minute in a quarter (when I have to post grades), I begin to run out of time to grade large amounts of late work and there is a chance that I may not be able to grade all late material.

This is a performance-based class that performs concerts on a mainly-quarterly basis. Attendance at these concerts is REQUIRED. Parent-excused absences can be made up through completion of a special project to be determined later in the year. Any student who makes up a concert with a make-up assignment will receive a maximum score of 80%. Unexcused absences from concerts will result in a score of “0” for that grading event, which typically will result in the overall grade being lowered by one mark.

Attire for concerts is black and white formal or semi-formal wear (ex: slacks, button-up shirt, and tie for the young gentlemen, dresses, skirts, dress slacks and blouses for the young ladies). There should be no jeans, sweatpants, or other workout wear. For girls, all dresses or skirts should fall below the knee. If a skirt or dress comes up higher than the knee, dark-colored leggings should be worn as a supplement. All concert attire should otherwise follow all guidelines for school attire.


Contact: Bryana Steck