Absence Policy

*Players are responsible for communicating and coordinating absences with the coach.

*It is expected that absences will be kept to a bare minimum during the regular season.

*Multiple absences (exceeding 5) may result in dismissal from the team.

Excused Absences

- any absence that has received prior approval from the head coach

- Scheduled absences must be approved in advance.

- Players are also responsible for notifying the head coach if she is absent from school or an emergency has arisen causing her to miss practice.

Unexcused Absences

- Unexcused absences include (but are not limited to)...

    • any absence that has NOT received prior approval from the head coach
    • family vacations
    • jobs (as players can request to work times that do not conflict with volleyball)
    • repetitive conflicts
    • taking the ACT/SAT
      • exception: Seniors who still need to achieve a particular score for college admissions or scholarships

- will result in the player sitting out a set during the next match

    • multiple unexcused absences = multiple consecutive sets player will sit out