What is Water Insecurity

What Is Water Insecurity?

Water Insecurity occurs when a person or group of people lack access to clean and sanitary water, which includes safe drinking water and a safe toilet or sink to use. Water is a fundamental human right and a need for the body. A person can only survive about three days without water. It helps your kidneys, it also maintains the balance of body fluids. Water also gives the body energy. As of March 22, 2023, close to 2 billion people around the world do not have access to clean and safe drinking water, and approximately 3.6 billion people – 46% of the world's population – lack adequate sanitation services, according to the United Nations World Water Development Report.


Water-related topics the 9-12 students are researching 

Ariyana- “Some nonprofit organizations help with water insecurity by building wells and other facilities. Organizations do this because in some parts of the world, including Kenya and South Sudan, it is a young girl’s responsibility to walk to get water for her family and community.  Often, girls do not have the opportunity to go to school and get an education because they have to walk for miles to get the water.”

Morgan - ” The Philippines might be made up of many islands but over half the population struggles with water insecurity. The Philippines ranks third globally in mismanaged plastic waste.”

Nathaniel - “Humans cannot drink saline water, aka (salty) water. But saline water can be made into clean, safe, drinkable freshwater.  The process of removing salt and debris from saline water is called "desalination.”

Rayden - “I am researching the effect of microplastics on fish and their immune systems. Microplastics end up in the water because of littering of packing materials such as styrofoam.”

Quinn - “Everybody thinks bottled water is cleaner and healthier than tap but when you read the label, you'll be told otherwise - I'm researching the ways chemicals in bottled water can make you sick and even lower your IQ.”

Liam - “My topic is Inventions that help purify water. I have three inventions that I am looking at for my topic. The first Invention is The Drinkable Book which is a book that can purify water using its pages.  The second invention is the Hippo Roller which is used to collect and purify water.  The third invention is the Fog Catcher which is used to catch fog for water.”

Colin - “I am researching the way water harms and affects people and how it can make humans sick if it's not clean water.  I am looking at ways to stop giardia and other waterborne diseases from attacking the body of humans and other living things.”

Julian- “ What impact does the Pacific garbage patch have on the environment and the sea creatures in the ocean? The Pacific garbage patch has a lot of creatures that thrive in it. I am trying to find a way to clear it without harming them."

Daphne “In Peru, only 50% of the population has access to safely managed water. Out of its population of 34 million, 16 million people (48% of the population) lack access to safe water. Farmers are using solar panels for the small water pumps to help with the water crisis.”

Declan - “My topic is about land adaptation because a lot of people put trash in the sea so some animals have to abandon their homes to adapt to land. Some animals have to go back into the water to stay moisturized. People can listen to organizations that tell you to stop putting trash in the sea.

Janah“I am researching how the 5-year drought in Tunisia affects the people in Ouled Omar.”