Service Learning

Our journey this year was to learn and research about food and water insecurity. This is a major issue that affects many people all around the world. We volunteered with the Delaware Food Bank, learned about topics like food deserts, and wrote research papers about topics that we chose. Now, we are planning this event to raise money to make a difference. 

Thesis statements for our research papers:

Leo - "War affects food security by halting food production, limiting access to food, and halting food exports. For example, the war in Ukraine and Gaza has left millions of people hungry due to no production and access to food sources, as well as fewer exports out of Ukraine and Gaza."

Keira - "Urban gardens help fight food insecurity by encouraging people to eat more fruits and vegetables, helping the environment by improving soil health, and bringing a strong connection back to the communities in ways they could not before"

Eli - "Food insecurity and crime cause each other. Areas with high levels of food insecurity have high crime, low access to nutritious food, and high levels of poverty."

Felix - "The government is trying to help to end hunger by creating organizations like Feed the Future, SNAP, and the Freedom From Hunger Initiative. These organizations all approach hunger differently."