

  • Simple Visual Discrimination Training
  • Increasing Observational Learning
  • Teaching Simple and Conditional Discrimination

Simple Visual Discrimination Training

Blaire Michelin (2017)


According to Green (2001) it has been demonstrated that teaching simple visual discrimination has been shown to help cultivate the development of conditional discriminations. Green (2012) also stated that some individuals with autism show difficulty in acquiring conditional discriminations, but these individuals can acquire conditional discriminations after training on simple discriminations. The purpose of this study is to teach simple visual discrimination to a child who is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The child had not demonstrated visual discrimination under instructional stimulus control and displayed delayed progress through the classroom curriculum. Visual discrimination was taught using a most-to-least prompting hierarchy with no vocal discriminative stimuli. Training on simple visual discrimination was successful in acquiring instructional stimulus control. This study contributes to the growing research of teaching visual discrimination in an applied setting.


visual discrimination, simple discrimination, discrimination, visual


Increasing Observational Learning

Katie McGee (2015)


Children with autism do not readily learn by watching others. Observational learning is learning that results from observing the responding of others and the consequences of such responding (Bridget & DeQuinzio, 2012). This may be a skill children need to be successful in a general education setting. The goal of this study will be to increase observational learning in a child with autism in order to help the child be more successful in mainstream education. The participant for this study is an 8 year old boy diagnosed with autism. He has been receiving ABA therapy for 5 years and is currently in a general education classroom part time. This study was a single subject AB research design. Baseline was collected to evaluate how the child responds after seeing peers perform an action that leads to both highly preferred and non-preferred items. During intervention repeated exposure and simplification of the response was used. Once the child mastered imitation of a behavior that leads to a desired outcome, a second intervention was implemented that was focused on labeling incorrect and correct responses in a classroom based setting at the Kalamazoo Autism Center.


autism, observational learning, visual


Teaching Simple and Conditional Discrimination

Samantha Roan (2015)


Complex matching skills require conditional discriminations (Green, 2001). Conditional discriminations are significantly more difficult than simple discriminations due to the fact that a conditional discrimination requires the learner to discriminate each sample and comparison stimulus from every other sample and comparison stimulus along two or more separate dimensions (i.e. shape and color or color and sound). In contrast, simple discriminations require a discrimination along only one dimension (i.e. shape, color, or sound). Green (2001) further explained that teaching simple visual discrimination can aid in the establishment of these conditional discriminations. The purpose of the current study is to teach simple visual discrimination to a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder to aid in the development of conditional discriminations. The child demonstrated the discriminative skill under everyday visual stimulus control, but not under instructional stimulus control. Further, she showed extremely delayed progress through the matching procedures in the classroom curriculum. This study uses a variety of teaching methods, all without the use of vocal discriminative stimuli. The results of this study will help to accelerate the acquisition of complex matching skills in children with already delayed progress through a discrete trial curriculum.


autism, simple discrimination, conditional discrimination
