Unit Two - The Industrial Revolution

Name of Assignment

Specific Instructions

Amount of Points

Step 1

Textbook Questions

Answer all of the chapter section questions for the first Unit chapters - Ch, 5 and 6


Step 2

Complete all the questions in complete sentences (if applicable for the Standards Review worksheet


Step 3

Choose and finish at least 240 points worth of assignments

Complete a multiple article newspaper that will include major events, figures, political and social issues.


Create a chart of at least 10 major inventors, their inventions, and their impact on the Industrial revolution


Create a chart of the major social reformers, their ideas, and their impact


Complete a brochure the describes the conditions, people and problems of the Industrial Revolution


Complete a multiple part portfolio (Section A) on a specific technology of the Industrial Revolution


Complete the Industrial Revolution DBQ by answering the questions for each document and creating an essay on the DBQ question (minimum of three body paragraphs)


Create a spiderweb diagram of the five major reasons why England was the first to lead during the Industrial Revolution


Social Reformers Essay

Create and write a research essay on two or more Industrial revolution reformers, the impetus for their ideas, their ideas, and their long term impacts on the world


Complete a multiple part assignment that includes a 5 page storybook, a chart of major events, major figures, a Power point of Inventions and a one page newspaper


Urbanization Poster

Create a poster that shows at least four major changes that urban centers (cities) went through during the 19th century, it should include both pictures and written information to explain each change.


Step Four:

Turn in your 300 points worth of assignments to your teacher - your teacher will grade your assignments and check off this section if you have completed the assignments well enough to earn your points.

Step Five:

If you have enough points to equal 300 you are finished with this unit

If you are close to 300, finish the following two assignments below:

Essential Questions - 40 points

Answer the following Essential Questions in complete sentences:

  • Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
  • What were the key inventions and improvements that evolved during the Industrial Revolution?
  • What type of impact did the Industrial Revolution have on society?
  • What economic, social, and political reforms arose from the Industrial Revolution?
  • How did the Industrial Revolution change the lives of women and children?
  • How did the Industrial Revolution in Europe affect the United States?

Review Assessment - 20

Step Seven -

By this step you should have enough points to complete the unit

If you do not, go back to step three and finish assignments to get your 300.