Grading Policies

The University of California system as well as the California State University system, considers a D grade in a core academic subject the same as a failing grade. The WJUSD Social Science Department has created the following standardized grading scale for all World History, US History Economics and US Government classes; the grading percentage scale will be the following

100-97 A+

94-96 A

90-93 A-

87-89 B+

84-86 B

80-83 B-

77-79 C+

74-76 C

70-73 C-

67-69 D+

64-66 D

60-63 D-

59% and below = failing grade (no credits)

50-59 F+

Indicates the student is close to passing, has completed some work, but may need to turn assignments that are missing, or needs to review for exams more thoroughly.

30-49% F

Indicates that student has several missing assignments, may be missing an exam or project, and needs to use after school interventions to catch up to a passing level. May also indicate poor attendance.

0-29 F-

Indicates that the student does not complete assignments either at school or at home, Student is unprepared for quizzes and exams. May also indicate an extreme attendance issue.

This grading scale does not indicate the number of points or the individual methods that instructors will use to determine final scores, merely the standard percentages to be used in determining final grades. Courses outside of the standard core Social Science classes, including all Advanced Placement courses, can have different grading scales based on individual instructor discretion and course needs.

Social Science Assignment Expectations

For regular World History, US History, Economics and US Government, the following expectations will be used for standard daily assignments, unless specifically directed by their instructor otherwise.

For full points on assignments students must:

  • Write in complete sentences
  • Be factually correct
  • Answer all questions completely
  • For assignments with a specific rubric, all sections of the rubric will have been addressed
  • Turn assignments in on time - Students will have five (5) school days from the day an assignment is due for full credit. After five days, assignments will be considered late and recieve a maximum of 10% valued points

Students who do not meet these baseline standards should not expect full credit for their assignments