
After School Class

Funding for A.S.C. has been variable in the last several years, it may or may not be available one year to the next.

Students who wish to take advantage of A.S.C. units must contact their current Social Science instructor.

Over the course of the school year, all Social Science students must demonstrate mastery in their course content standards. When a student struggles to reach mastery, immediate and relevant remediation must take place. Academic intervention must allow failing students an attempt to at least pass their course, while maintaining the integrity of the regular classroom grading scale. The Academic Support Class (ASC) is the primary intervention provided for World History, US History, Economics and US Government when district and site funding is available.

Students who fall below a 70% in core Social Science course will be recommended for an Academic Support Class. Students earning a 70% through an 89% may also enroll in an Academic Support Class to raise their class percentage (up to but not exceeding 90%). Students who have a 90% or higher may attend an Academic Support Class for reinforcement and review if it is recommended by the teacher, parent or upon student request; however, no increase in grade will be given in that case.

The Academic Support Class will run concurrently with the regular semester course. All unit work used in the Academic Support Class have been created by WJUSD Social Science instructors specifically for the purpose of intervention.

No student will earn more than 30% per term through the Academic Support Class. No student can raise their final grade higher than a 90% through the use of an Academic Support Class. Academic Support units cannot be used to modify current progress report grades or prior semester grades. Completed Academic Support units will be credited to the student at the end of the semester.

Academic Support Unit Structure

  • One unit, designed to be 10-12 hours in length, must be completed at a proficient level to earn a 10% increase in the regular class. Typically, no unit should be completed in less than 10 classroom hours.
  • A minimum of 70% of total points must be earned for a unit to be considered proficient and complete.
  • Four (4) units of World History, US History, Economics and US Government will be offered per semester; a student may complete a maximum of three (3) units per semester.
  • Each unit is distinct and individual; the points earned in one unit cannot be used in a later unit.
  • Unit work will be derived from a list of common essential assignments.
  • Grading rubrics will be supplied and utilized for each unit assignment.
  • The instructor of record will select a student’s assignments to be completed for each unit prior to that student being enrolled in the Academic Support Class, -OR- the instructor of record will give written authorization to the ASC teacher to select the student’s unit assignments.
  • Units must be completed sequentially; units for the same class cannot be taken concurrently.
  • Each unit, once completed, cannot be repeated for an additional percent increase.