7 Habits of Highly Effective People 

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

⭐Be Proactive

(Take initiative, choose your actions, attitudes & moods, and don't blame others for your mistakes)

⭐Begin with the END in mind

(Plan ahead and set goals, do things that have meaning and make a difference)

⭐Put First things FIRST

(Spend time on things that are important, set priorities, make a schedule and follow your plan....be DISCIPLINED and ORGANIZED)

⭐Think Win-Win

(Balance courage for getting what you want with consideration of what others want. Make deposits in others' EMOTIONAL BANK ACCOUNTS....compliment & encourage them)

⭐Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 

(Listen to other people's ideas and feelings...try to see things from their viewpoints and look people in the 👀 when talking)


(Value others strengths and learn from them, team with others to create better solutions and ALWAYS stay HUMBLE)

⭐Sharpen the Saw

(Take care of your body by eating right, exercising &  getting sleep, spend time with family & friends, learn in places other than school and find meaningful ways to help others)