Outreach and Mentoring

Undergraduate Gender Minorities in Math at Wisconsin (UGMMaW)

I'm one of the organizers of the UGMMaW group for math majors whose genders are underrepresented in math.  We also organize events open to all math majors, which fall under the UW-Madison AWM chapter.  I helped to start the group, which was inspired by the graduate GMMaW group, in Fall 2023.

Directed Reading Program

I co-led (with Boyana Martinova) a DRP with three undergraduate students in Spring 2024.  We read the first two chapters of Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms by Cox-Little-O'Shea with the primary goal of building up to the notion of Gröbner bases.

Girls Math Night

In Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, I worked with two high school students through Girls Math Night.  We worked on a project on chaos theory and the Lorenz equations in the fall.  In the spring, we talked about algebraic geometry; we looked at lots of small examples of polynomial ideals and algebraic sets.

Madison Math Circle

I volunteered for the Madison Math Circle in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022.  In March 2022, I led a math circle meeting where we talked about different voting methods and Arrow's Impossibility Theorem (slides).