Julia, Uzuva & Candice

Our Topics: Julia- Lung Cancer, Uzuva- Covid-19 Lungs, Candice- Cell cancer

Central Idea - The development of scientific and medical advances in society and on the environment.

Common Link - The discovery in the treatment of medicine for Lung cancer, Covid-19 and cell cancer.

Our group agreements

  1. Cooperate and share ideas

  2. Respect each other's ideas

  3. No fighting or complaining only listening to each other

  4. Focus on group work within the group

  5. No one should be bossy and excludedhvwu


Julia -My name is Julia. I am 11 years old. I was born in 2021. I was born in Windhoek. My grade is 5J. I am doing the Exhibition with my group Uzuva and Candice. I love horse riding, netball, biking, and rugby. I am looking into lung cancer. I knew someone who passed away and I would like to do this in honor of her. That is it for me, hope you enjoy my PYP Exhibition site.

Key Concept: Connection

Line Of Inquiry: How lung cancer affects the body.

PYP Exhibition questions

These are my research questions and bibliography.


My autobiography
Exhibition Prosses Reflection

This is my reflection on the proposal in the beggining of the exhibition.

Line Of Inquiry: The advancements in medicine and how effective are they in treating illness. ( Candice)

Key Concepts: Change

This is how cell cancer looks when it multiplies


These are my Reaserch Questions.

this is the doctor we talked to for the interview.

This is my art progect for my exhibition

Proposal to Ms Beth

This is my proposal to ms Beth about my action.

Creative Synthesis

Dear Ms Sharon,

Thank you so much for being the best mentor ever. You helped uswhen we were stressed you helped us and talked with us. Thanks to you we got all our work done and now our sites page is amazing. So when I say that you are the best mentor Ms Sharon I think I speak for the whole group and say thanks for everything!


Candice , Julia and Uzuva

Photo of cell cancer

photo of Covid-19


Topic: Covid-19 Lungs

Key Concepts: Responsibilty

Line Of Inquiry: How covid-19 affects lungs.

Good day my name is Uzuva and I'm 11 years old and I love playing sports. Im researching on how covid-19 affects lungs. I find it intersting on how covid has affected so many things and I want to research on how and what it really affects.

Exhibiton Sheet

Here are my research questions


This is my interview with Dr.Ekinsteen

This at the bottom are my photos

The photo on top is a photo of the covid-19 cell


This is my propasal for Ms.Beth And Ms. Avril